Public Schools; An Open Response to a “Pretty Liberal Person” …

Concerning age-appropriate school resources; 

The reality of federally funded public schools corrupting the children's innocence has become a national scandal. That you are blissfully unaware, doesn’t change the fact. 

I guess you missed Stillwater father, Riley Flack, exposing "explicit and highly inappropriate books" that do not belong in Public Schools' libraries. 


“Dad STUNS school board when he reads aloud DISGUSTING books from school library” 

BlazeTV Oct. 28th, 2022 

~“Flack referenced two disturbing books, one which he said was currently available in elementary school libraries and another that graphically described the "rape of a 10-year-old girl," before selecting a passage with explicit accounts of oral sex from “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" to read aloud.” 

~“Flack noted that there are 79 instances of the F-word in the book, as well as a long list of other age-inappropriate words.” 

Dad STUNS School Board When He Reads Aloud DISGUSTING Book From Library 

My wife and I pay to fund public education.—i.e., property taxes. 

In 2006, local ad valorem taxes for Oklahoma public schools added up to more than $1.21 billion. By 2016, they had risen to more than $2.05 billion, an increase of more than 69 percent. 

But; The school system delivers a workforce in which 75% of graduates cannot read or do math on grade level. How does LGBTQIA+ association apply to Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM) ?

Does S.T.E.M. include sexual relationships ? 

I can't possibly understand the logic…

There in no time for porn. 

Title IX; of the Education Amendments from 1972; Are the incestuous offspring of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Progressive school curricula promote gender dysphoria & student sexual orientation by perverting a sixty-year-old EEOC law designed to help African Americans find employment. 

Title IX has become the bureaucratic shield of a Nationalized Socialism that names parents as a threat…like Tim Reiland of Owasso, disallowed by the system, from picking up his children from school. 

AND; On April 11 2022, the “Libs of TikTok” shared a TikTok video posted by Owasso teacher Tyler Wrynn in which Wrynn declared:

“If your parents don’t accept you for who you are, f--k them.

I’m your parents now.” 

Owasso public school's Tyler Wrynn implied Oklahoma families are teaching their children hate. As you have implied about Christianity, with your ‘copy & post’. 

How does one “Advocate for Owasso LGBTQIA+ Youth” on Facebook ? 

Troll for the underage, sexually active, Geo-tagged near Owasso ?

What is an LGBTQIA+ kid ?

One that is sexually active ?

Or one being groomed to be sexually active ?

Title IX is the federal law that conflates all staff (Adults) and students (Minors) in any alleged sex discrimination in education, educational institution or program that touches federal funds. 

This law creates a federally protected space for adults and children to share sexuality...LGBTQIA+ style.  

Locally, we are treated to : 

Tulsa Public Schools, Sodomy Pride Month; annually... 

Advertised to elementary school children, by Superintendent Dr. Deborah Gist.

A National public-school curriculum creates a National Socialist behavior : 

You lament: “These kiddos don't even get a sex education class anymore.”

Presuming what is delivered is good for children and should be wanted, universally, by the parents. 

You want for sex education that is MANDATORY...  

Mandatory (especially in all caps) sounds very “black & white” to me, again.

Most disturbing is the predilection of systematic collectivism within the mindset of many educators. Despite the Village mentality; We do not co-own each other's children. 

They are NOT, how you say, "our" kids.

Perhaps the teacher or educator that is exercising temporary position of “loco parentis”, should excuse and recuse themselves from discussions of sexual behavior with the elementary school children, due to a lack of age appropriateness and potential conflict of interest…contacting the parent or legal guardian immediately if needed ? 

The fact that a person will eventually have sex, is no reason to teach them how to copulate in elementary school. 

They WILL also experience math and reading in the future... 

Unfortunately, they're not already experiencing it in their schools. 

Maybe exposure to people, things, ideas, and scenarios should be decided by the folks who are directly liable for the kiddos ?

They are known as "Parents". 

Maybe skill sets like Science, Technology, Engineering and Math should be prioritized in schools ?

Rather than teaching to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

The government that gave you House Bill 1775, is the same government that appropriates funds for your schools. 

House Bill 1775 specifically enumerates prohibitions of certain ideologies that do NOT align to the Oklahoma Academic Standards and are repugnant to the will of the people, as represented by the elected legislature.

Do you believe “meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or sexist or were created by members of a particular race to oppress members of another race ?

It is ironic that you stereotype all children with a simplistic class-envy lens.

As though, only in government schools are “…these issues…being directly dealt with.”

What you think is simply “afforded”; Is actually a “sacrifice” of family budget.

If you “folks” want pro-choice in public education, perhaps the school voucher is your ticket to freedom ?

~Just making assertions.


~Genesis; is literature. 

~The New Testament is History. 

~Theology is philosophy. 


Further study; 

New Rule: Along for the Pride | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

(P.S. Brian :

It is disappointing, especially considering a school occupation, that one cannot recognize the corresponding grammatical structure of parallelism in correlation to a provocative post: 

👇      👇   👇  👇  👇

“Full offense but you can’t be…[XYZ]”

A ‘copy & post’, with “Full offense”, implies "Christianity" is universally misguided… 

Unless one associates "divisive rhetoric" and “hate” solely as a "Christian" traits, one should not understand any attempted correlation.  

Can one suggest an anti-Christian post, is NOT divisive rhetoric ?😑 

Doesn’t the pride of an inconsiderate, “Full offense”, attitude of admonition, only serve to fuel the issues ?

Isn’t getting a response by provocation, why one posts anti-religious vitriol ?

Hypocrites claim : “It's never that black and white.” 

👇   👇 👇 👇

…After posting the litmus-test of Christianity.🤡🤣 

Progressive Socialists claim : 

“ It's never blanket coverage.” 

All the while stereotyping everyone they meet (according to their implicit biases) into a subjective, social-diversity landscape.

But, It’s not their fault. 

It’s how they’ve been taught. 

Commutarians are a self-proclaimed “pretty liberal” people and they “don't hate anyone”. 

Sounds “black & white” again. 

It has become amusing to watch progressive Marxists claim their private ownership despite voiced support for the co-ownership of Socialism. 

In the “public square” of free speech. 

There is no such thing as “private stuff”, on Facebook.🤣)


The "Almost entirely Virtual Debate" : McCay vs. Bynum - Part 4 of 5


LGBTQIA+: Tyranny By The Minority