LGBTQIA+: Tyranny By The Minority

It’s so cute to watch Pagans searching for their biological rights. 

They place all their trust in the US Federal Government…that they want out of their uteruses…that they want back in, to create a safe-space for a drag-queen children's show.
THE REASON Progressive educators admit needing the US Federal Government in order to provide a safe space for children to learn …  

IS BECAUSE, State-Run Public-School Systems have proven to be an unsafe environment for children. Federalized School governments have FAILED to provide basic safety on campus. Safety for the students is the very least a school should provide. Especially considering the liability with reference to a teacher or other adult responsible for children in the place of a parent.i.e., “loco parentis”.
~ “At Robb Elementary, law enforcement responders failed…to prioritize saving innocent lives over their own safety, the report said…which laid out in detail numerous failures.” 
UVALDE, Texas (AP)  
-JAKE BLEIBERG and PAUL J. WEBER Sun, July 17, 2022,  

Tyranny By The Minority 
Today's popular social construct is one of promoting an inclusive and welcoming community where everyone; "All races, classes, sexes, gender identities, sexual orientations, and religions, feel appropriately represented".  
However, the LGBTQIA+ community is NOT inclusive.  
The LGBTQIA+ acronym EXCLUDES heterosexual, straight, and cisgender. 

How about putting an “K” up in there for the Kink community ?  

You could add an “H” …That would be bomb !!! 
And why not add a “C” for Celibates ? (They never get any…Respect.) 

FYI: BDSM does NOT stand for "Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine". 

DOMINANCE of the nationally socialized public school system has put the children of the separate States in BONDAGE to the SADISTIC displays of religious belief in shortsighted economic theories from the OEA; Which wants tax revenue spent according to their self-absolving fraud; They identify as Altruists… More properly; MASOCHISTS

The club-membership, letters-of-association become an undecipherable 'Code of Cult'. The attempt, to codify a list of existing sexual orientations and gender identities into a group-label acronym such as LGBTQ or LGBTQIA+, grows progressively LESS inclusive because society continues to evolve with new sexual and gender identities being constructed every day. Not much for the feeling of public representation. 

Title IX; of the Education Amendments from 1972; Are the incestuous offspring of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Title IX. Federal authorities use the Education Amendments of 1972 as a shield for the defense of systemic pedophilia in the nationalized Public school system.

Title IX is the federal law that conflates all staff (Adults) and students (Minors) in any alleged sex discrimination in education, educational institution or program that touches federal funds. Creating a federally protected room for adults and children to share sexuality...LGBTQIA+ style. Thus we are treated to : Tulsa Public Schools, Oral-Sex Pride Month. Advertised to elementary school children, by Superintendent Dr. Deborah Gist. 

The term "Pedophile" does NOT preclude Gays and/or Lesbians.  

The term concerns adult sex with under-aged children.  

Does Oklahoma State Superintendent of Instruction, Joy Hoffmeister, find pedophilia to be deviant behavior ?  

Does Joy-Hoff defend the predatory behavior of the TPS Superintendent performing a mind’s-eye, full-frontal, sexual advertisement for children…at the schoolyard ? 

Why does Debbie, Joy and the LGBTQIA+ community continue to ignore the epidemic of child rape in the public schools ?  

The Nationalization of socialism in the public schools has been encouraged by the commutarian’s claim; “Sexual Orientation and gender identity are protected classes".

BUT; We do not live in a caste society. There are no protected classes from a colloquial perspective. Only a legal tyranny from a sexual minority, especially prevalent in federalized schools. However, Progressive Socialists purposefully oscillate between positions of colloquial perception, i.e., “Safe space for everyone” and a technical-legal, Title IX definition of education, in order to promote the “It’s Not Gonna Lick Itself” children.

The term "gender identity" is a colloquial euphemism coined by psychiatry professor Robert J. Stoller in 1964 and popularized by psychologist John Money.

LGBTQIA+ are only social constructs based on preconceived stereotypes. Every sex act committed by LGBTQIA+ is just a derivative variation and counterfeit of the original “in and out” of the traditional heterosexual behavior that created all human beings.

Gender identity attempts to describe a person’s attitude of feeling female or male.

Some people may even attempt to identify as an entity outside of the traditional Earthling, human-gender binary.

Gender dysphoria, The Dysphoria formerly known as "gender identity disorder", is defined by a person’s emotional distress due to their personally unacceptable reality.

Psychological programming of a social gender-personality that conflicts with empirically observable biological physical realities such as genitalia, hormones, and chromosomes, exacerbates the mental health challenge associated with adolescent LGBTQIA+ suicide.

Sexual orientation refers to your partner’s physical position during the act of coitus;

Such as Roll, Pitch & Yaw.

Of course, one cannot find the elusive “plus (+) sign” within the Title IX text. The “plus (+) sign” is a symbol representing that which wasn’t originally included within the LGBTQIA acronym. NOW, The US Federal Government must protect those specific identities of which, letters and words cannot yet fully describe.

The “plus (+) sign” associated with those prideful of their sexual behavior encourages a curiosity of what the symbol means. Is it right to cause the kids to contemplate anal sex or question how lesbians can physically fulfill their marriage vows...? (Answer: Consummation by Instrumentation.) Does the “plus (+) sign” mean sexual activity between a human being and an animal ? And if not...Why not ? Because LGBTQIA+ has a consistent lack, of a consistent logic.

The poor communication skills, by those obsessed with promoting their sexual behavior, leave plenty of room to include any kind of kinky-mythological-straight-person-idea of perversion. What message are you promoting to the children of the community ? Gay sex and pedophilia are more outrageous than challenging state electors during a presidential election.

Better communication and less pride might help clear up the conversational-chlamydia infecting those who build self-esteem upon committed sexual acts. And isn't good communication what education is all about ?

Progressive school curricula promote gender dysphoria & student sexual orientation by perverting a sixty-year-old EEOC law designed to help African Americans find employment. Title IX is the bureaucratic shield of a Nationalized Socialism that names parents as a threat.

Public school administrators seem to be hyper-focused on defending deviant behavior in schools…purposely ignoring the cause.

Minors are being over-sexualized in the public schools.

Exacerbated by group association focused primarily on sexuality.

“Cafeteria Food

Is Not

Education Either”.


Public Schools; An Open Response to a “Pretty Liberal Person” …


Capitalism Is Like A Uterus