The "Almost entirely Virtual Debate" : McCay vs. Bynum - Part 4 of 5

“G.T. Bynum brags about hoarding the most taxes for street repair;

But doesn’t hold the trophy for Most Streets Fixed.” ~Tom E McCay-June 2016

G.T. Bynum : That is what needs to change.

RE-POST from June 2016 : Councilor Bynum and I agree that something needs to change…

We have to quit letting G.T. get a pass on NOT maintaining the city infrastructure. He has admitted that for the last eight years, he has been an accomplice in the demise of our city. Well, it certainly wasn't this author up there, doing the hard work of not maintaining our streets !

NOW GOOD NEWS ! According to a kind member of The Sales Tax Overview Committee yesterday; "Streets meets the 2nd Friday of the month on the 2nd floor of the Tulsa Engineering Building just off of 23rd." (2317 S. Jackson).

And; "There are reams of paper showing how Tulsa spends our sales tax revenue. Some goes to Parks, some to public safety, some to storm water management and pages after pages to street projects."

I was informed and encouraged to "Come to the meeting and pick up a copy of [the] paper." The Committeeman suggested street-wise citizens "attend our sub committee meetings on any of these meetings. They are open meetings."

However, like a Little-Banes-Johnson, Bynum wants to spread his progressive wings and show his true expansionist rainbow. “L.B.J.-G.T.Bynum” has been unable to manage the street repairs properly, but now wants to expand his empire by tapping into Khrushchev's promise through an unsubstantiated lurch from city responsibility to the fountain of never ending control and wealth : The Public School system.

I wonder which Public School the Bynum kids attend ?

Oh, They don't ?! Well perhaps Little Banes Johnson should take over the private schools instead…right after he changes Tulsa's form of government and heals North Tulsa earaches.

(My eye!)

OCT. 24, 2013 Bynum admitted : "…We missed it." after citizens raised concerns that there was already a capital funding mechanism for the BOK, and the Tulsa Convention Center, both privately managed by SMG. Sources of revenue and profit are generated from concessions, rental fees and use of those facilities.

It was only citizen-involvement that changed the capital funding plans for Bynum's Improv'-Our-Tulsa scheme.

In order to avoid blame for the bad tax plan, G.T. diagnosed himself, the Mayor and the city council with weariness of governing, "being up to their eyeballs in this for months".

Unwittingly, as if referencing a scam-in-progress, Councilor Bynum explained that the "citizens picked up on it". And this was a "great example" that the council was making the right decision to remove funding for the BOK and the Tulsa Convention Center.”

However, by APRIL 5, 2016 Bynum was celebrating passage of the Vision Package. A package that included capital funding for the BOK and The Tulsa Convention Center…

What has changed G.T. Bynum's capital funding strategy since 2013 ?

Why does G.T. Bynum oppose the will of the citizens now in 2016 ?

How did G.T. Bynum forget what he learned about the citizens concerns in 2013 ?

When did G.T. Bynum decide to benefit SMG and neglect City Lights & Lawns ?

Who can explain to G.T. Bynum that the BOK still has funding mechanisms ? The Tulsa Convention Center still has funding mechanisms ! And the citizens already informed you three years ago that they do not want to carry the liability, in public taxation, for benefit in assets, that fall directly into a private management group's control ? SMG wont fix the streets !

One of the reasons today's Tulsan never feels the bang for his street-buck is because of city strategies that benefit the ruling class elitists at the cost of taxpayer's time. For instance, the City historically advances funds for engineering under one capital financing program and then finances construction from a following program.

So your 1994 Bond Issue and 1996 Sales Tax payments to the City financed only the planning of street projects. Not until the 2001 Sales-Tax-Extortion were funds allocated for actual construction of street projects. Doesn’t that explain, at least in part, the delay built into the system that benefits the spending by bureaucrats with slow or no results for Tulsa Citizens.

G.T. Bynum brags about hoarding the most taxes for street repair, but doesn’t hold the trophy for Most Streets Fixed.

Little Banes admitted that he allowed our streets to be blocked off before he knew when the utility work was scheduled. From The Tulsa Frontier, May 15, 2016, G.T. Bynum: "The reason Tulsans see the orange barrels go up and no one working on the site is because the city allows utilities scheduled windows of time to do the work they need to do. In between each of them being at the site, the project just sits there. We can do better when it comes to scheduling that work."

The councilman's actions show that he favors the utility company's time above the citizens of Tulsa time.

Tom E. McCay for Tulsa Mayor. #Tommy2016


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