Capitalism Is Like A Uterus

1.  The uterus is; individual, private and certainly the property owned by the woman within which it resides.

2.  The uterus has the potential means of production.

3.  Funding the uterus, through the capital investment of fertilization, can bring forth an exponential return on that investment by creating the wealth of human life-resources.

4.   Unless some external force comes in to destroy the intent of the investors by killing the fertilization and/or the gestation process, the uterus will produce life like the capitalist system brings forth independence and prosperity to mankind.

Our founding fathers were the pioneering explorers into the new frontier of systematic private property ownership, Circa 1776.

The concept was that, by privately owning his labor, the individual would be able to contract that labor, through the free right of exchange, for improvement in his life.

So daring was the idea of Capitalism, the concept was known world-wide as "The Great American Experiment".

Within the span of one-hundred years, the New World success of the exceptional American system was a global phenomenon of prosperity for the ordinary man.

Tom E. McCay, 2017


Also read : "The state and charity", by Thomas Mackay (1849-1912).

Published 1898 London, Macmillan and co., limited.

Excerpts :

"Socialism is an abnormal economic method of distributing wealth.

The civilized ways in which wealth is normally distributed are : [1] exchange, [2] bequest, [3] inheritance, and [4] gift, proceeding instinctively from the free association of family and friendship."

"Feudalism, was replaced by a new organization of society based on the principle of Contract for Exchange. With the fuller recognition of the principle of private property and the right of exchange, the serf (adscriptus glebae) affected his rights over his own labor, creating his mobility away from poverty using the vehicle of Capitalism."


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