Dr. Gist speaks with Slurred-Science

RESPONSE to Tulsa World Opinion

Editorial: TPS Superintendent Deborah Gist fights back against Gov. Kevin Stitt's attacks  Feb.3, 2021


Dr. Gist speaks with Slurred-Science

Deborah Gist’s public and consistent attack on Kevin Stitt has nothing to do with education; I thought Gist was a school superintendent, running about 10-25 % drop-out rate ?

Silly teacher !!! Governing the State is for Governors !!!

Superintendent Gist’s maternalistic nagging of Governor Stitt’s performance has nothing to do with her chosen profession: School Government...and everything to do with State politics.

Dr. Gist does NOT redistribute the resources provided by the Oklahoma legislature, with wise guidance or innovative solutions for her schools management.
Instead, she maintains political wedges, foments anxiety with public displays of anger; Then surveys the children for ideas.

Through a colossal media promotion to label the Governor a bully, Dr. Gist has lowered herself to the childish, rank-and-file, elementary school playground drama of “name-calling” and “tattle-tail”.
You know what they say; “Teachers learn from the children.”
And we agree.

Dr. Gist speaks with Slurred-Science when she claims: “We (have) one of the highest COVID rates in the entire world.”
Thus, It’s hard to calculate the totality of the inaccuracy associated with Dr. Gist’s chronic hyperbole, to any degree of true precision.

Superintendent Gist targets the TPS district and now threatens to infect the entire State with bad decisions, inaccurate and uninformed public statements.

Its no wonder the Tulsa World Editorial Staff falls in-line with the school superintendent, their writers probably all have a public school education.


The progressive Tulsa World and the radical Dr. Gist BOTH claim:

"Stitt took a hands-off approach as the pandemic raged in Oklahoma to extreme levels."

When, in fact, March 15, 2020, Governor Stitt employed  21 O.S. §§ 1321.1-1321.11, the "RIOT CONTROL AND PREVENTION ACT", to rationalize his executive order…

That was just to start.


Then, Nov. 16th 2020, the heavy-handed Governor dictated "…all bars and restaurants to close at 11 p.m. No in-person service of food or alcohol will be allowed after 11 p.m. except for curbside or drive-thru windows."


Dr. Gist & Tulsa World…?

What do these two entities want ?

More Governor Stitt control ?

Or… Less Governor Stitt control ?


Stitt's "hands-on" approach was so overreaching, district court Judge Susan Stalling blocked his restaurant curfew.


Besides the immature, mixed-signals, Tulsa World cries out with all things mutually exclusive : "The things [Governor Stitt] did and refused to do made the pandemic worse in the state."

More girl's-club at recess :

"Deborah is rubber and Kevin is glue.

Anything bad, bounces off her and sticks to you !!!"

Apparently, the editors and the superintendent are unaware of the system of governance we have in America.

Tulsa World staff gushes a vicarious ignorance on behalf of "cities and school districts".

Not knowing the governor’s office has jurisdictional boundaries. And that "cities and school districts" have their own governments. And that they are designed to make decisions on their own.


To be noted; Tulsa World writers use the term, "Unled", to start a sentence. (LOL)


According to the myopic Tulsa World :

"Nearly all schools have gone to distance learning at times due to outbreaks…"

Instead of  being a sycophantic cheerleader for the inefficacy of the federally funded public schools, why doesn’t Tulsa World expose the fact that "distance learning" was bought and paid for twenty-five years ago ?

As documented by the "Technology Subcommittee Report Bond Development Task Force Tulsa Public Schools September 8th , 1995."


Because of promises made from TPS, to property owners and tax-payers, all schools in the district should have been moving toward distance learning, two decades ago.


In 1995, The community paid to retrofit TPS infra-structure in order that students be able to connect to the Information Super Highway.

TPS instead, sold the 1995 upgraded buildings, out from underneath the tax-payers.

TPS circa 2020, could have used that investment for distance learning.

TPS, again, has squandered the foresight of the community.


Teacher shortages are the result of  mismanagement and failure of school government.

Asleep-at-the-wheel Tulsa World pretends the COVID pandemic created the obstacle of "teacher shortage". Editors at the Tulsa World are so poorly read they missed :

"Five Things to Know About the Teacher Shortage" 

by Jennifer Palmer / oklahomawatch.org / March 22, 2019

Palmer states : "In Oklahoma, 30,000 teachers have left the profession [since 2013] in the past six years." That’s well before the pandemic.


Further; The ideologues promoting the, pre-pandemic, 2018 teachers strike/walk-out, certainly weren't concerned with "Teacher Shortage".

Teacher shortages are the result of mismanagement and failure of school government.


Tulsa World writers imply public schools are frozen with fear because :
"No authoritative research exists for the best education model for a pandemic."

As though, during an emergency, the teaching of children relies on a "best education model". Does Dr. Gist believe her own emergency ? Or does she have extra time to wait for a "best education model" to fulfill her civil and contractual duty ?


Apparently, Tulsa World and Dr.Gist have access to authoritative research showing the "Best State Governance Model" for Kevin Stitt, during a pandemic…

Tulsa World and Dr.Gist have championed a heavier-handed state interference into our lives. Wishing for authoritarian-style control, through more political restrictions.

Its what they think "strong leaders" do.


There is zero direct evidence that the inaction of TPS, during the last year, has helped :

  1. keep infection rates lower.

  2. saved children.

  3. saved students.

  4. saved staff.

  5. saved families.

These fairy tale wishes are sycophantic statements from a fawning press, who's writers have an "Editorial Crush" on a certain public figure.

More likely Governor Stitt's prayer requests and a placebo effect "saved lives".

Dr. Gist did seem to contradict the "discouragements and discord" from editors at Tulsa World by citing consistent declines in Tulsa’s COVID-19 rates. Because there is more than "limited samples and anecdotal evidence", to give her reason to think, students could return to the classroom as soon as February 22.


In addition to insulting the office and Governor Stitt himself, Dr. Gist has continued to impugn Tulsa's parents, through media campaigns, of starving their own children.

As though Little Debbie will save you from her presumed parental neglect.


To the public's demise, TPS has chosen to make the cafeteria its primary functioning relevance. NOT teaching elementary school education.


Tulsa World editors ought to recognize the difference between the term "educators" and the reality of handing out lunch rations in a parking-lot drive-thru event.

These are hard definitions, under difficult circumstances.


The obvious goal for Dr. Gist is to bring back TPS students, as the Governor has been advising, while saving her public personae from appearing to credit or agree with him.


Deborah; Let's keep our eyes on our own paper…


Tom E. McCay, Tulsa.

Host, 3DPolitics


Pretense : minimum wage laws protect the worker from the employer.