Pretense : minimum wage laws protect the worker from the employer.

Pretense : minimum wage laws protect the worker from the employer.
Actuality: minimum wage laws restrict the employee more than the restrict the employer.

Minimum wage laws create criminals by mechanism and by social degradation.

The only restriction for the employer is a minimum wage.
The employee however is legally prohibited from bargaining for his own wage.

Making a man a criminal if he does so.
If a person is legally barred from getting a job, despite their willingness to work, it’s quite easy to understand they may turn to a life of crime.

And there is no guarantee of “minimum experience” or “minimum exposure” in a chosen industry.
Exposure and experience come before wage to the beginning laborer.
Two of the three make the man; wage is no more than a number.
“Let them make solar-panels and eat cake.”

Both employer and employee except government interference in a private contract.

Minimum wage laws deny the tenants of both capitalism AND communism.
“From each according to his ability”...
“To each according to...
government dictate ?!?

Useful idiots believe that the laborers “need” is defined by government.

Minimum wage laws deny the reality of gradient scale growth of skills in demand of a litmus test for the explosion of skill in a beginner.

Do marketable skills that require hours of practice suddenly pop into existence like the Big Bang ?

Do minimum wage workers manifest themselves, without evolutionary explanation, like the divine Cambrian Explosion ?

President Roosevelt 1937 “all but the hopeless reactionary will agree that to conserve our primary resources and manpower government must have some control over maximum hours, minimum wages, the evil of child labor and the exploitation of an organized labor.”

Representative John Dent from Pennsylvania used minimum wage laws to favor his desired factories in the north and compete with factories in the south 1993 Dent said “we had to do something we were losing all our jobs to the south“

Congress raise the minimum wage in nominal terms by 46% between 1977 and 1981; a federal commission estimated that the minimum wage hikes resulted in the loss of 644,000 jobs including jobs that were not created.

1983 general accounting office report found teenage workers have greater job losses, relative to their share of the population or the unemployed workforce, than adults

President Carter’s minimum wage Study Commission noted that
“an explicit purpose of the minimum wage was and is to protect adult workers from low wage competition from youth”

Congress raise the minimum wage in 1989 for $3.35 to $4.25 an hour. A 1991 national restaurant Association survey found that as a result 44% of restaurants were forced to reduce the number of employee hours worked and 42% reduce the number of people employed.

Secretary of labor Robert Reich, Clinton administration, arguing for a minimum wage hike in July 20 of 1993
One reason for the hike was for “public perception”

Even some federal courts have ruled some convicts must be paid the minimum wage for work they perform in prison
That is from the San Francisco chronicle June 25, 1992 by Jim Doyle
“some inmates entitled to the minimum wage”


Because, lowering tax rates, increases tax revenue…


Dr. Gist speaks with Slurred-Science